

The app has its own keyboard for users

A specialized keyboard tailored for both the guardian and the user, providing a unique and user-friendly interface to facilitate seamless interactions within the platform.

Send invite to user

A specialized keyboard tailored for both the guardian and the user, providing a unique and user-friendly interface to facilitate seamless interactions within the platform.

Setup Restricted

As a guardian using the application, you have the capability to establish restricted parameters, including accounts, specific words, or addresses, that users under your supervision are not permitted to access, mention, or interact with while using the app’s features.

Monitor your user

As a guardian utilizing the application, you possess a robust suite of monitoring tools that allow you to oversee and track the activities of the users under your care.

Get Alerts

The application provides guardians with a robust alert system designed to promptly notify them whenever users under their supervision deviate from established guidelines or rules.